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Human Resource Management

30 hours | Online | Terms 1, 2 and 3 | $555.00

Students are introduced to human resource theory and methods as they apply to hiring and managing staff effectively in a horticulture setting. Students learn to use their knowledge of situations involving human resource management issues to test their learning in this course. Students gain an understanding of the personnel planning process. Students learn leadership and communication techniques to motivate staff and resolve conflicts. Application of this knowledge in a horticulture setting is the focus of discussion.

Required Text & Materials:

Managing People on Your Farm 2004, Canadian Farm Business Management. ISBN 1-894148-70-3, Approximate cost: $39.75 + GST

Call the Assiniboine Community College Bookstore at 1.800.862.6307, ext. 6788 or go and use the course #'s to order.