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Greenhouse Crop Production

60 Hours | Online | Terms 1 and 2 | $749.00

In this online course, you will learn several aspects of greenhouse production including an overview of the prairie greenhouse industry, production economics, chemical and biological pest control, and the production of bedding plants, potted, and flowering plants and vegetables.

Required Text & Materials:

  • Greenhouse Operation and Management; Seventh Edition, Nelson, Paul V.
    • ISBN 978-0-13-243936-7
    • Approximate cost:  $217.95 + GST
  • Ball Redbook; 19th Edition; Crop Culture and Production; Volume 2, Jim Nau, Editor
    • ISBN: 978-1-7332541-2-0
    • Approximate cost: $89.95 + GST

To order textbooks, call the Olds College bookstore at 1.800.661.6537, Ext. 4630