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Career Planning Support

At Olds College, we understand navigating the journey from education to a fulfilling career is a unique experience. We're here to support you every step of the way.

From one-on-one sessions to an exclusive job board for Olds College students, you can find all the resources to support your career exploration, development and advancement right here.

Find Opportunities with OCWorks

Welcome to OCWorks, our job board exclusively curated for Olds College students. Whether you're seeking part-time or full-time positions, OCWorks has you covered. Our student job board is regularly updated with a diverse range of opportunities from employers and industry partners who are eager to connect with talented individuals like you. Your next career opportunity awaits!

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Career Assistance

Book an appointment to address specific areas of concern and provide guidance and support.

Book an Appointment

  • Are you unsure about your career path or seeking guidance on available resources to make informed decisions? We are here to assist you in exploring various career options, understanding industry trends, and identifying pathways aligned with your interests and skills.

  • Navigating the job market can be overwhelming, especially if you're unsure where to start. We can help you develop effective job search strategies, explore job opportunities and utilize resources to enhance your chances of securing meaningful employment.

  • Your resume and cover letter are essential tools in showcasing your qualifications and experiences to potential employers. We offer personalized assistance in revising and refining your resume and cover letter, as well as providing valuable tips on how to create compelling documents that stand out to employers.

    * Make sure to bring a draft of your resume and cover letter. You can access templates here.

  • Feeling nervous about an upcoming interview? We provide mock interviews and valuable tips to help you feel more confident and prepared. Through practice sessions and constructive feedback, we aim to improve your interview skills and increase your chances of success.

    * Make sure to bring the job description of the job you are interviewing for and the resume you submitted.

Co-Curricular Record

Olds College recognizes that learning occurs both inside and outside the classroom. While a transcript is a record of students’ academic achievements, a Co-Curricular Record is an official document that showcases the skills and competencies learned outside the classroom.

The Co-Curricular Record (CCR) Program at Olds College recognizes student experiences and achievements gained through the completion of approved co-curricular activities. Combined with an academic record it provides a comprehensive view of students’ accomplishments at Olds College. Any Olds College employee or SAOC representative can sponsor a CCR activity.

If you would like to participate in one of the CCR activities, reach out to, and we will connect you with the activity sponsors. A full list of eligible activities can be found in the CCR Catalogue.

    • Complement your portfolio, resume, and/or an application package for employment
    • Proof of campus involvement when applying for awards
    • Supplement an application to other schools when applying for further education
    1. Participate in an eligible activity on campus. A full list of eligible activities can be found in the CCR Catalogue.
    2. The CCR Program Manager will confirm your participation with your activities sponsors.
      (assessments for certificates will be completed between April 1- May 15).
    3. That’s it! Your application will be verified by your activity sponsor and your document will be issued to you in June.
  • Can experiences from previous years be added to my CCR?

    No, the CCR does not allow activities to be added retroactively from previous academic years.  It is important that students submit their CCR application by May 15 every year that you participate in eligible activities.

    What types of actives are eligible for CCR?

    A full list of eligible activities can be found in the CCR Activity Catalogue.

    However, in general, CCR eligible activities will:

    1. Encourage and support student growth and development
    2. Not be for academic credit
    3. Not be for a wage, through honoraria, awards, scholarships, assistantships or bursaries
    4. Align with more than one official CCR competency (see below)

    Are there any other requirements to have an activity added to my CCR?

    Students are required to complete a minimum of 15-hours or greater for each eligible activity within one academic year. Participation and completion of time requirement will be validated by an activity sponsor.  

    What if my activity occurs during the Spring Term (May - June)?

    Some eligible activities take place after the application window has closed.  In this case, your activity sponsor will notify the Office of the Registrar when you have met the time requirements. The activity will be added to your CCR and your CCR record will be issued the following September.

    What does it mean to have an activity validated?

    Each eligible activity has a sponsor that will verify student participation in the activity and the completion of the required hours.

    What are the CCR competencies?

    • Leadership
    • Collaboration & Teamwork
    • Entrepreneurship & Innovation
    • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving  
    • Building Community
    • Global Citizenship
    • Diversity and Inclusion
    • Health and Wellness

    What do I do if I've lost my Co-Curricular Record?

    If you have lost your copy of your Co-Curricular Record, you can request a reprint by emailing

    What are Co-Curricular Records used for?

    • Complement your portfolio, resume, and/or an application package for employment
    • Proof of campus involvement when applying for awards
    • Supplement an application to other schools when applying for further education

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Work-Integrated Learning

By applying what you learn in the classroom to real-world work environments, you develop essential skills, expand your professional network and gain a competitive edge in the job market.

Work-Integrated Learning