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Apprenticeship & Industry Training (AIT) Entrance Exam

Prepare for the Alberta Apprenticeship Entrance Exam with interactive, self-paced online courses.

The Pre-Apprenticeship Exam Training program consists of four individual courses to prepare participants of the trades industry for success in their continued employment, education and mandatory qualifications exams. These courses are self-directed with no instructor, yet interactive with innovative learning exercises.

Students who wish to register to become an apprentice and learn on the job, without the prerequisite high school education, must write an entrance exam based on Math, Science, and English Skills.  Similarly, those challenging the trade credential may benefit from these courses if they require some upgrading in basic Science, Math or English.

Each trade requires a variety of different requirements (for example some require Math similar to 20-3, some recommend higher levels), but each of these courses has no prerequisites. The learner can choose which competencies to study that pertains to the exam he or she will be taking. Challenge yourself to increase your success!

Dates: 2nd Wednesday of Every Month

Delivery: Online 

Length of Program: Students have 3 months to complete the course from the date of enrolment

Required Text and Materials: None, however, these courses are designed to help gain the competencies to be successful in the Alberta Apprenticeship Entrance Exam. It is recommended that you also use the Study Guide from Alberta Apprenticeship.

See Entrance Requirements

You can apply to attempt a Prior Learning Assessment examination if you want to determine your level of skill and knowledge prior to entering into an apprenticeship program. Learn more

Course Details

Introduction to Math for the Trades

The purpose of this course is to aid you with the Math skills needed to pass the Apprenticeship and Industry Training entrance exam. Throughout the course you will be provided with tutorials to help expand your knowledge as the course progresses. Once you have completed this course you will be better prepared to write the entrance exam and have a better understanding of:

  • measurements
  • conversions
  • fractions
  • percentages
  • trigonometry financial math
  • volume, area and capacity
  • variables and equations

Tuition: $149 + GST

Technical Communications for the Trades

This course will help you to prepare for the reading comprehension element of the Alberta Apprenticeship & Training Entrance Exam.

On your exam, you will encounter different types of comprehension questions. You might be presented with a paragraph, or you might be asked to analyze a diagram or chart. In this course, we’ll show you how to identify key points in a paragraph or document, and give you some practice with reading and analyzing information like you will be doing at work.

This course will provide practice some strategies for understanding, applying and making decisions about what you read. Not only will this help you when you take the Trades Entrance Exam, but also in your day-to-day work, where you will be reading instructional and technical documents, reports, emails and memos from superiors, and many other types of written information. Build your confidence in this area so that you succeed in your exam. 

Tuition: $99 + GST

Basic Communication for the Trades

This course is designed to help you improve your understanding of English grammar so that you can build your confidence and succeed in your apprenticeship training. This content will be particularly helpful for you if you want to brush up your skills in reading and writing, or if English is not your first language. It covers topics such:

  • Sentence structure
  • Parts of speech
  • Negative statements
  • Definite and indefinite articles
  • Verb tenses
  • Subject-verb agreement
  • Antecedents
  • Misplaced and dangling modifiers
  • Parallelism
  • Prepositions and conjunctions
  • Commonly confused words
  • Slang and idioms
  • Punctuation

 $99 + GST

Introduction to Science for the Trades

This course is an introduction to basic science for trades. The purpose of this course is to aid you with the science skills needed to pass the Apprenticeship and Industry Training entrance exam. Throughout the course you will be provided with tutorials to help expand your knowledge as the course progresses. Once you have completed this course you will be better prepared to write the entrance exam and have a better understanding of:

  • chemistry
  • energy
  • structural design and mechanical design
  • heat
  • temperature
  • fluids
  • pressure

Tuition: $149 + GST

Do you need more information?

Industry Training & Continuing Education

Phone: 403.556.4740
Toll-Free: 1.800.661.6537