Workplace Communications | COM 1020
Dates: TBD
Cost: $655.32 (including fees)
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Method: Online
In this course students develop writing and presentation skills. Students will apply rules of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and mechanics in the development of letters, email, and short reports as well as other documents relevant to their industry. Students will demonstrate strategies and techniques for creating informative and persuasive presentations.
Professional Selling | AMT 2120
Dates: TBD
Cost: $673.29 (including fees)
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Method: Online
In this course the emphasis is on developing successful sales professionals and the competencies necessary to effectively manage the sales process. This is also an excellent foundational course for students pursuing an entrepreneurial career. The course is broken into three components.
- The development of personal and business goal setting ability
- The development of sales skills
- The use of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) techniques
Skills for Effective Negotiation | COM 1530
Dates: TBD
Cost: $673.29 (including fees)
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Method: Online
Students will demonstrate ability in making customers and their needs a primary focus. Emphasis will be placed upon developing and sustaining productive customer relationships in authentic contexts. Students will demonstrate refined personal and professional communication and leadership skills exemplifying ethical negotiation and dispute resolution.
Required Text & Materials:
Essentials of Negotiation; fourth Edition, Roy J. Lewicki, Kevin Tasa, Bruce Barry, David M. Saunders. Approximate Cost: $89 for 360-day rental.
Note that textbooks and software are the responsibility of the student. Please wait until 1-week prior to the course start date to purchase materials, as the courses will be cancelled if minimum enrolment is not received.
Marketing Principles | MKG 1021
Dates: March 10- May 2, 2025
Cost: $673.29 (including fees)
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Method: Online
This course develops an understanding of marketing concepts, principles, and practices. Topics examined include the influence of environmental factors on the marketing process, marketing strategy development, marketing mix formulation and adjustment for pricing, and promoting and distributing appropriate products and services to selected markets.
Industry Internship | WIL 2350
Dates: Begins the second Wednesday of every month
Cost: $673.29 (including fees)
Delivery Method: Blended (Work Integrated Learning & Online Component)
Prerequisites: Students must have successfully completed the prior 4 courses before enrolling in the Industry Internship.
Students engage in a faculty-supported field placement over an 850-hour term of employment. During this time students will work with an industry mentor and engage in skill development based on an approved personalized student learning plan. Upon completion of this work-integrated learning experience, students will have gained industry-specific knowledge and skills.