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Olds College Continuing Education Renamed to Industry Training & Continuing Education

June 26, 2024

Olds College of Agriculture & Technology is pleased to announce its Continuing Education & Corporate Training department is renamed to "Industry Training & Continuing Education". 

The decision to rename the department to Industry Training & Continuing Education was driven by the College’s desire to more accurately represent the breadth of its educational offerings and commitment to industry-specific training. The term "Corporate Training" did not fully encompass the extensive range of practical, hands-on training that the College provides to vital sectors such as agriculture and trades.

"By emphasizing 'Industry Training' in our name, we not only reflect the true scope of our programs but also highlight growth opportunities that these programs bring to our students and the College," said Chris Wharton, Director at Olds College Industry Training & Continuing Education. "This rename is a strategic move to align our public image with the expectations and needs of our target audiences, which include local businesses, industry partners and individual learners seeking to advance their careers."

The rename also signals a recommitment to the department’s core mission of providing high-quality, relevant education tailored to the evolving needs of industries and communities. The newly named Industry Training & Continuing Education department is set to strengthen ties with community members and industry stakeholders through clearer and more effective communication of its offerings.

The name change is expected to enhance the department’s reputation by more clearly communicating the scope and nature of its training programs, thereby fostering a stronger sense of identity and presence within the community and among industry leaders.

For more information about the programs offered by the Industry Training & Continuing Education department, please visit

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For More Information

Emma Lyle
Marketing & Communications Coordinator
Olds College Industry Training & Continuing Education