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Post Harvest Handling of Food Crops

30 hours | Online | Term 3 | $555.00

The principles of postharvest handling, storage, and transportation of fruits, vegetables and herbs are covered in this course. Handling and storage practices to maintain quality of fruits, vegetables and herbs are addressed. Factors which influence quality such as timing of harvest, specific storage environments, causes of quality loss and transportation are discussed. Storage and handling of fresh herbs are also discussed.

Prerequisite: Before enrolling in this course, you should be familiar with botanical structures of fruits and vegetables. Applied Botany is recommended prior to taking this course.
Required Text & Materials: No Required Textbooks

Recommended Textbook: Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops, 3rd Edition., Kader, A.A. 2002 (Editor). University of California, Publication 3311.
Call the ACC Bookstore at 1.800.862.6307, ext. 6788 or go and use the course #'s to order