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Parking On Campus

Olds College of Agriculture & Technology enforces a pay-for-parking policy year-round between 5 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. Parking on campus requires a valid permit or short-term payment.

Students, staff, faculty and college visitors parking on campus are required to have a parking permit or tap-and-pay for short-term parking.

Parking at Olds College

Student Lots
Residence Lots - F, FF, G, GG, H or R
Student General Lots - I, J, D, S

Staff Lots
Staff Paved Lots - A, AA, B, C, K or L
Staff Gravel Lots - I, J, D, M, or S

  1. Duncan Marshall Place (DMP)
  2. Werklund Agriculture and Technology Centre (WATC)
  3. Dr. Robert Turner Building (OCCI)
  4. Teaching Brewery & Retail Store
  5. Pomeroy Inn & Suites
  6. Land Sciences Centre (LSC)
  7. Greenhouse
  8. Landscape Pavilion
  9. W.J. Elliott Building/Trades (WJE)
  10. Metals Building
  11. Animal Health Education Centre (AHEC)
  12. Meat Retail Store
  13. Industry Training Centre (ITC)
  14. Learning Resource Centre (LRC)
  15. Alumni Centre
  16. E-Learning Centre (ELC)
  17. Frank Grisdale Hall (FGH)
  18. Campus Facilities
  19. Technology Access Centre for Livestock Production (TACLP)
  20. College Court Townhouses
  21. Centennial Village Residence
  22. Fine Arts & Multi Media Centre
  23. Ralph Klein Centre (RKC)
  24. Chinook’s Edge Bus Maintenance
  25. Livestock Centre
  26. Cold Barn
  27. Beef Centre
  28. Brawn Arena (South)
  29. McClellan Arena (North)
  30. Equine Centre/Farrier Lab
  31. Foaling Barn
  32. Smart Ag Innovation Centre (SAIC)

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  Campus Security
  Office of the Registrar
   Restaurant
  EV Charging Stations