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Prairie Hort Certificate

Earn your Prairie Horticulture Certificate online with a focus on one of four specialized streams.

The Prairie Horticulture Certificate program is the online program in horticulture designed specifically for the prairie provinces and is offered through the Continuing Education department. Choose one of four streams of focus and once you have completed all of the courses in your selected stream you will be granted a Prairie Horticulture Certificate from Olds College. It is jointly offered by a consortium of three Western Canadian institutions:

  • Olds College
  • Assiniboine Community College
  • University of Saskatchewan

For a complete overview of the program, please see our Student Handbook.

Next intake dates:  March 24 - May 30, 2025

Registration Deadline: 2 weeks prior to course start date. Pending availability; late registrations may be accepted with a late fee. Limited space available so register early.

Credential: Prairie Horticulture Certificate - students must complete all courses specified for their particular stream and maintain an overall average of 60%. A total 9 courses and 360 hours represents the minimum requirement for a certificate.

Length of Program: You can expect to work 8 - 15 hours per week for a 60 hour course or 4 - 10 hours per week for a 30 hour course.

Delivery: All assignments are handled by the course-delivering institution. The course instructor is available by email to answer questions or receive comments about the course. All classes offered in this certificate are online courses.

Streams offered include: 

Stream Details

The Prairie Horticulture Certificate offers a flexible course load to ensure that it meets the needs of every learner. You can complete as many or as few courses as you like and you are free to choose courses that interest you from any stream. If you are interested in pursuing a certificate we recommend that you start with Applied Botany and/or Soils for Horticulture followed by the required courses and then the elective courses.

Fruit and Vegetable Production Stream

Required Core Courses:

At least three of the following:

And at least two of the following:             

Plus one Open Elective. Any course in the Prairie Horticulture Certificate program can be used as an open elective including the following:

Landscaping and Arboriculture Stream

Required Core Courses:

At least three of the following:

At least two of the following:

Plus an Open Elective if you require an additional course to meet minimum requirements. Any course in the PHC program can be used as an open elective including the following:

Greenhouse Crop Production Stream

Required Core Courses:

At least three of the following:

And at least one of the following:

Plus ONE Open Elective. Any course in the PHC program can be used as an open elective including the following:

Nursery Crop Production Stream

Required Core Courses:

At least three of the following:

At least one of the following:

Plus an Open Elective. Any course in the PHC program can be used as an open elective including the following:

  • Students have two weeks (14 days) after the start of the term to withdraw from any course. The tuition fee less a $50.00 administration fee will be issued upon return of the course package. All course material fees are non refundable. Refunds are NOT issued after the second week of the term. Non-payment of fees, non-attendance, or failure to submit assignments does not constitute cancellation of registration. The effective date of cancellation is the date on which your Withdrawal Letter is received by Olds College.

Do you need more information?

Industry Training & Continuing Education

Phone: 403.556.4740
Toll-Free: 1.800.661.6537